
Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thankful Today

As I was driving to work, NPR's Marketplace let me know that last week's new unemployment claims topped 500,000.  This is because 50,000 troops returned from Iraq and are unable to find any sort of employment.  My eyes did a cartoon bulgy thing and I made an audible 'ughhh' noise.  Marketplace then reminded me that tens of thousands more troops are expected to return home over the next few weeks.

It made me really thankful to have work.  Like really, really thankful.

I can't even imagine the frustration returning troops are feeling.  Being told that going overseas for your country will open up the gates of opportunity and then returning home to find the entire job market in shambles has got to hurt.  If they have families, they lose affordable military housing and have to find an apartment in civilian dollars.  Factor in PTSD mixed with a lack of college degree and you've got a crapton of unhireable, desperate, angry soldiers.

As I was saying .... THANKFUL.  Now I am going to file millionaire donations.

Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm A Middle-Aged Dad

Listening to Quadrophenia and getting misty... such great nostalgia music...

...for when I'm cruising in my Buick bemoaning the state of popular music these days.  If only my kids could appreciate the Who like I used to!

But really.  I love this album.  Love it so much I'm choosing to stay up WAY past my bedtime to finish disc 2.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

8 1/2 Day

I ran 8.5 miles.  It was difficult.

After running, I celebrated by watching Fellini's '8 1/2'.  I am a bad film major for waiting so long to see this movie.  It was phenomenal. My wish is to wake up one morning and be as beautiful as the actress who played Luisa:

 But that won't happen.  I guess I can get those glasses when my eyes give out and pretend to be her.

After movietimes, we went over to John's and had home brew beer that was 8.5 % alcohol by volume.  MY THEME CONTINUES!!!!
Best part is that the date was August 15th (halfway through the 8th month! Eight and one freaking half!!!!  Boom.)  The coincidence is astounding.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Assorted Summer Fun Times

In between depressions I was able to scratch some fun out of Summer 2010.  Taking pictures of fun is probably my favoritest hobby ever, aside from sharing said pictures with you!

May I present: FUN!

Night time photo sesh with Patty C

Really weird statues at the Getty Villa

Dylan's birthday at the Outdoor Cinema Food Fest
Watching some Mad Men with Gonzo

Picklebacks on the 4th of July (God Bless Ammurrica!)
Hiking the Pratt Trails in Ojai

Beers in Carpinteria

So there- that was my proof of fun!  Heehe, just posting these tibdits of joy made me feel all happy.

Don't Call It A Comeback...

Oh, hello there!  Welcome to the newest incarnation of the SkrillaT blogging empire.  I have decided to scrap my secret Wordpress blog, and make a not-secret Blogspot blog.  You know- a blog that's not a Tumblr.   Because I already have one of those, too.  If my Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Flickr feeds aren't enough of a portal into my mind and life, I present to you:


Before we delve into the juicy stuff, let me offer you a recap of the past two months:

I Got A New Job-
Yes, I work at a private prep school processing ungodly large cash donations and eating free lobster dinners.

I Gained A Lot Of Weight-
Yes, I am now fat.

I Am Training For A Half-Marathon-
This could be potentially awesome or soul crushing.

Summer Has Been Hell-
I am grappling with massive depression.  I get a lot of time off, but it is a waste because Dylan is gone always.  I am also trying to recalibrate my self-esteem to correspond to a fat office worker lifestyle instead of identifying myself through music and a music-based job. I read more bestsellers now.

So, that’s my life. More exciting posts to come (as in, my future posts will hopefully be more exciting than this one.)