
Monday, November 28, 2011

Blog Neglect / More Cookin'

Hello faithful reader!
(Or should I say- what's up Dylan and David and possibly Ramona?)

This poor blog is once again suffering from neglect.  I think its because I haven't been an interesting person as of late.  My time is spent working, cooking, training, and being lazy.  Not much room for story generating there.

I've also been a negligent photographer, and photos fuel more of this blog than actual words.

But here are a few pics from my intelligent communications device, and I will fill in my life blanks accordingly:

Its fall in Los Angeles.  AHAHAHAH that means its 75 and perfect.  

Except when you're at the Queen Mary for Marc and Jen's wedding.
Then it gets rainy.

No ghosts.... I looked.
Excellent nuptuals, however.

It also means green beans in the CSA box.  Gonzo loves green bean, quinoa, mushroom saute!
He also eats garbage, so I'm not too flattered in my cooking abilities.

I met Patrick for lunch on Sawtelle the day before Thanksgiving.
We kicked off the weekend by getting crunky.
Then by actually getting crunky while visiting Chuck, Adam, and friends and Tonga Hut.
It was a wild turkey night, and my ribs are bruised to prove it.  
Merry-go-rounds move quicker in the valley.

I got up early on Thursday and made two big pans of stuffing.

To bring to the Echo for Gobble Gobble Give.  
Around 3,000 dinners were made this year.

By volunteers and and awesome food providers.
(I pulled this photo off the web)

It was a madhouse outside, where volunteers were arranging clothing and toiletry donations.
And cars were arriving to take the dinners out to people in the streets.

Its always gratifying to leave the event and see people enjoying a warm dinner from the to-go boxes while sporting new duds.

Then I got to do round 1 of dishes....

...before starting Thanksgiving dessert.  
Yeah- I know... its mix from a box.  
So sue me!

There were secret oreos in the brownies, and cookies n' cream ice cream was used in place of liquid.
  This was surprisingly good.

Especially while listening to some Ed Rush & Optical.
Gets one into the cooking headspace, I guess?

I forgot to take a picture of the finished product, but it looked like a big pan of brownie.
Not the most visually appealing.
After the cookstravaganza, we headed down to Redondo Beach for Thanksgiving with the Hart family.
Turkey, Mac n Cheese, Green Beans and Wild Turkey were consumed.  
Then 'Splash' was watched.
It was the perfect chance to give thanks for the blessings, good health, and many privileges we enjoy every day without thinking about it.
And for the wonderful family, friends, animals, and opportunities in my life (thank youuuuuu!)

But most of all, we gave thanks for Qream.

Thank you, Pharrell, for making my long weekend that much sweeter. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hey You - Look At My Food!

Its Fall, I guess.
Its definitely fall.   Duh.
Its cold and its dark at 5 pm.  And my CSA box contents have been super exciting.  Persimmons, Pomegranates, Artichokes, Collards, Escarole, Apples, Squash, Heirloom Tomatoes so good- you'll punch yourself in the face.

The Box

Pretty, but poorly designed.

Now these are tomatoes!

The greens (chard and collards), carrots, celery, onions and cilantro became part of a white bean soup.

..And the kale became chips for ladies' night tapas snacks.
Gonzo loves kale.  Seriously- he's begging for raw kale.

No, this is not weed.