
Monday, May 7, 2012

Haha- I've been a lame blogger.  Possibly because its been MAYHEM the past few weeks.  Between working long hours, going to shows, cooking dinner after long days and participating in friendly drinkings- I haven't really had the time nor inclination to post.

But hopefully- this photo dump will paint a vivid pic of the last month:
Gnarls got thirsty.

As did I after making a strawberry, lemon curd, and thyme pastry for...


Yes, a real dragon.

Light has shifted- getting up to run doesn't mean darkness and cold...

And the park has been a great place for Saturday picnics...

and intense workouts on the parp gear.

Ahhh- parp dayyy!

After Coachella- I was determined to get back in the veggie groove.

Kale detox.

Oh hey- Mike D. exhibit at the Geffen Contemporary.

Dylan and I went to Tron.

And then walked into Poll Position/ Outrun/ California Cruisin'/ Mario Kart summer reading....

My fav band, FARTBARF, is coming to town!

Gnarls didn't like that joke.

Neither did random bird from the Museum of Jurassic Technology.
Not that we cared- that place was just fuckin' with us.

Makings of Green Garlic Soup.  Yeah, it rules.

Returned to the museum to see James Murphy from LCD Soundsystem play.

Nat appreciated modern art (two gallery shows in a week- WHO'S NOT AN ART FAN?  I DON'T BELIEVE YOUUUU...)

I appreciated tacos served by Roy Choi himself.

And appreciated the James Murphy disco tunes.

Ladies Night @ The Museum

I was Joe's plus one for the KROQ Weenie Roast - Artist Onstage passes included.

I was too chicken to take pics of the band- but I got to meet Garbage.

The tech trailer.

Side Stage at Dirty Heads
Not just a clever name.  They looked filthy.

Rotating Stage.

Crowd shuffling in.

Joe and crowd.

Tom DeLonge or Mark Hoppus- I can't remember who's who in Angels and Airwaves.
Sorry, 14 yr old me, the ex-Blink 182 fan...

Kat Corbit interviewing Silversun Pickups (who we saw at a secret show w/ Cage the Elephant and FIDLAR last wednesday)

Silversun Pickups about to rotate out...


Whoa... how were those my only pics?  I feel like so much more has happened.  This is what happens when you live a life outside of marathon training.  You actually get to enjoy things with friends!!

And in other marathon news- my knee is getting better!  This rest has been beneficial.  Except for the whole 'getting out of shape' part.  Starting training for a half-marathon (tomorrow!  I should get to bed!) pending knee cooperation.   

Ok. tired of writing.  PEACE!