
Monday, March 28, 2011


Yes, its spring break at the ol' job corral.  This means no students for 2 weeks (TWWWOOO WEEKS!) and very minimal amount of faculty activity.  Basically- this has been my day:
This isn't a complaint though.  It just means increased internet and blogging activity.

Here are some crappy cellphone photos of the past two weeks (TWWOOO WEEKS!):

I went to the races sporting sparkly sunglasses and drank white wine and bet my money on a horse named Broken Dreams (he lost).

We walked to Farmers' Market and got Indonesian food and Spanish beer in honor of St. Patrick's Day... Yeah.

We had a school fundraising event in the art gallery before:

An after-work mind losing event at the Palladium (GIRL TALK ON A MONDAY NIGHT! WUT??)

Storming the pit amidst a balloon bombardment w/ John

Saw this while grocery shoppin' in Kosher central

...Aaaaand nobody has noticed the unfortunate shape of the new butterfly garden just installed by the faculty parking lot.  I had to take a pic before they laid down any trees or.. ahaha... bushes.

Monday, March 7, 2011

My Crazy Beer-Fueled Dream In Picture Form

This is why I will not drink lots of beer anymore.

I dreamed I was part of the crew on the Kardashian show, and I was following elder Kardashian into the fancy backyard of a mansion she wanted to buy.  Her vanilla lotion was potently scented, and it attracted an angry bear that proceeded to maul her arms.  She escaped after much terror, and dream me kept joking 'Carb-Dash-ian!'. 

My subconscious scares me.

The Beer drinking incident was part of 'Kegs N Eggs' - a fancy green/organic/sustainable brunch (Santa Monica Fairmont hotel, wut wut!?) with unlimited pints of microbrew beer.  I love the idea of drunk brunch, but beer is a rather ambitious beverage to drink a lot of in a limited time.  Lets just say I got all the carbs and kale I needed for the day.  Also, nightmares.