
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Pop Cultured -- Vol. 1

I saw a giant billboard of this while driving to work this morning:

Lonely Island - Turtleneck & Chain
It made me laugh.

Once I started this blog post, I realized that I have no greater insight on this album cover.  Which saddens me because I am not ready to stop writing.  So I am going to make a list of recent pop culture things that amuse me greatly.

1. Game of Thrones - Yes its for nerds.  DUH.  But it has intrigue and adventure and titties because its HBO and they can

2. Backlash to the Royal Wedding - Seriously.  They aren't even cool Monarchs. 

3.  How much press the Low End Theory guys are getting - Double-edged sword, but I like that they are making $.

4.  Hamburgers are Trendy - They are God's chosen food.  I am happy others agree.

5.  Graffiti is Trendy - Please keep bombing the streets, because I like seeing it.  Also, keep giving these guys legit gallery/ museum shows.  As Indiana Jones would say - "IT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM"

Ok.  That's my list.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday Blues-day

Everything seriously feels like torture today.  Going through the motions of work is taking all the self-control I posses.  ALL OF IT.

And opening the Pitchfork article about Lollapalooza just spat this in my face and almost ended me.
1. 20 years!?!?!
     (I am old)

2. I would take all the fish microwaving in the world to get back to that building on the left.
      (ugh. I haz regrets)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I'm Sick!

Haha.  I don't know how or when it happened, but I contracted some sort of flu or sinus infection or something equally balls-a-riffic.  Its been snot city, population: me.

The scratchy throat started last Friday, but I chose to ignore it so we'd have a superfun weekend (Hanna, Poppies, Art Museum, Passover) and this week, my ass has been handed to me by pathology.  So far, its been two half days off work, and then a full day today.  It suuuuucks.  My nose is raw from using paper towels as kleenex.

Daytime TV is so terrible and Oprah is highly overrated.  She yells a lot.

The best thing to come of being sick is that I got to renew my love of PBS and their Al Jazeera feeds.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I'm Back!

Spring break was greatness!  Now the travels and funtimes are winding down, and its back to the grind for a few more months before SUMMERBREAKKKKK!!!!!  Yes.  More vacation :)

As you already know (because there are four people who know about this blog, and I probably visited you ((or am married to you- Hi Dylan)) as part of my vacation) I was in NYC and ATL.
Photos of these fun times to follow shortly.

In the meantime, I will leave you with a few pictures of our visit to the Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve last Saturday.  Not pictured is me popping a squat in the beautiful rolling hills.  The Rockstar energy drink made me have to pee like WHOA.  The rainy winter made for a less-than-impressive poppy display, but it was still pretty.  Nature's Majesty!!!!

Poppy Fields

Crane Pose - Feeling the Zen

Yes, I am a big fat ham.

So Orange!

Lone Wolf


Post-Apoppilyptic Destroyed Energy Towers

Not *just* Poppies